Sinks & Stoves with Butcher Block


Undermount sinks, top mount sinks, farmhouse sinks, Mexican copper sinks....we can help design the solid wood kitchen work surface to meet whatever needs and dreams you have.   We make sure that you think through installation methods so there is room for clips and fasteners.  For thicker slab butcher block, we often route out the underside a few inches so the undermount sinks don't feel so far away.   Just send us the brand and model number and we'll find the cutout template on the web.  We always recommend our waterproof SatinSeal finish in very wet areas- though plenty of folks use the Natural Oil+Wax treatment and just make sure to keep the sink area well oiled.


We frequently cut inserts for stoves in islands and countertops.  Again-  all we need is the brand and model number and we can usually pull the manufacturer's cut out template from their website.  We ship our butcher block stove cutouts with a thin 3M Heat Reflective Tape applied to all the interior edges.

Production Drawings before we make anything

Before we start building your counter top we need to know where you want to locate the sink or stove.  In this case it's best to have us get in touch with your cabinet maker to coordinate.  We'll make a fully dimensioned drawing and send that to everyone to confirm final specifications before we cut anything.

We understand that it takes time to make sure the design is what you want-  we will send drawings, renderings,  samples and revisions back and forth with clients, cabinet makers, designers and installers until all specifications are confirmed.  Does it take longer?  Yes it does.  Is it worth the time and effort?  Of course-  for us its the only way.


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